2009-05-14 22:01
Sari Polvinen

The C-Team Under Cover

The Con Committee made yet another visit to the Cable Factory, this time during the recycling and handcrafts event Kierrätystehdas. Seeing the place actually filled with people, stalls and sellers was very enlightening, and the unsuspecting utopian eventgoers did not seem perturbed by the beady eyes of our task force.

The IT team examined audio solutions and cable layouts, those responsible for sellers calculated square meters with blinding accuracy, Topi and Jukka demonstrated their uncanny ability to imitate cosplayers on stage (you had to be there), and the rest of us got overexcited, had visions and generally bummed about. All productive action, however, came to a complete stop whenever we passed a Bookcrossing table or the boxes of delectable printed materials in the exchange market area.

It is always fun to stop by at the Cable Factory, and every visit gives us organisers an extra boost of energy. We have very little money and there is tons of work to do, but being there makes us more sure than ever that the place has all the makings of an excellent con venue.

On this particular visit we got the biggest buzz out of the factory’s ash box in the cellar, which is THE perfect location for Cosplay photographs (honest!), as well as Puristamo, which in our visions got itself redesigned as the SF fanlounge and board-gaming space.

Getting there, getting there!
