2009-07-15 16:08
Sari Polvinen

Over but not quite out

Well, folks. Finncon2009/AnimeconVII is well and truly over. Cable factory is empty, keys have been returned, guests - bar one - have returned to their homes and the organisers are ever so slowly beginning to feel almost human again. At least from our perspective, the event was a great success. We had around 15 000 guests over three days, the program items were even better attended than we had dared to hope, and even the weather was on our side.

Thank you for showing up, I hope you enjoyed the con. If you have feedback to us, please mail us at palaute@2009.finncon.org. Every comment helps us to make a better con next time around.

We will also collect links to picture galleries, con reports and forum coverage and get those online as soon as possible.

Thanks again, and see you next year at Jyväskylä!


2009-07-19 02.04

It was a great con. You people did a great job organizing it.

2009-07-26 17.06
Marina and Boris from Kiev

Great con, great time. Thanx again for this wonderful opportunity.