Big is better but small is beautiful (ENG)
Does fantasy have to be big and epic? Is there room for something less grandeur? General preconception of fantasy still tends to veer toward the door stopping bulky pseudo medieval mammoth, but that is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Book Then, Book Now, Book in the Future (ENG)
Book is a book, except when it’s not. The future of book is the question: will there still be books as we know them now? Is the electronic version The Way or is there a third alternative?
Booktips (ENG)
Kirjavinkkausta in English. What to read when all the translated books have been read?
Tähtifantasiapalkinto ja varjoraati
Tällä kertaa ennen Tähtifantasiapalkinnon jakoa, varjoraati esittelee mielipiteensä ehdokkaana olleista kirjoista ja kertoo kenen olisi pitänyt voittaa. Vuoden 2008 parhaan suomennetun fantasiakirjan julkistamistilaisuus.