2009-07-06 23:54
Sari Polvinen

Scifilounge, Alien Info and Alien supplement

It is almost here, the Finncon/Animecon 2009! So it is high time to give you some more information about services for our foreign visitors.

Puristamo pdf will house what we are calling scifilounge, an area with tables, chairs and comfy sofas, in short a place to sit down, relax for a moment and hang with other fen. The lounge will also have a fandom wall, where all you are welcomed to write a note or put up a picture to the delectation of your fellow fen.

In Puristamo you will also find Alien Info. We at Alien Info, give out Helsinki-related material and answer to the best of our abilities to the kinds of questions you can also ask from the main info desk at Merikaapelihalli, but mostly we try to be good hosts and hostesses and introduce foreign guests to Finnish fen and vice versa.

Also, if you think a con isn't a con without a proper nametag/badge, we at Alien Info can make you one for the nominal fee of 1€.

Additional information about the con, Finndom, eating and drinking, shopping and sights you can find in our Alien Supplement, an English supplement to our programme book, courtesy of Tero, Tomi and yours truly which will be available at Alien Info.

And as always, comment or send us an e-mail at 2009@finncon.org if you want more information.

Sari Polvinen
