2009-07-15 16:08
Over but not quite out
Well, folks. Finncon2009/AnimeconVII is well and truly over. Cable factory is empty, keys have been returned, guests - bar one - have returned to their homes and the organisers are ever so slowly beginning to feel almost human again. At least from our perspective, the event was a great success. We had around 15 000 guests over three days, the program items were even better attended than we had dared to hope, and even the weather was on our side.
Thank you for showing up, I hope you enjoyed the con. If you have feedback to us, please mail us at palaute@2009.finncon.org. Every comment helps us to make a better con next time around.
We will also collect links to picture galleries, con reports and forum coverage and get those online as soon as possible.
Thanks again, and see you next year at Jyväskylä!
2009-07-12 15:08
All the SF TV series Eemeli knows about
As promised after the programme item, here's a list of the TV series that were mentioned during the presentation in question.
2009-07-09 14:39
It looks like everyone is here or hereabout.
OK. Perhaps now I can get this done? Interview here, interview there. Dealers asking things...
Kaapleitehdas is under occupation, we're carrying chairs, tables, computers, building sets, stage, dealer room, and in general running around like a conmittee with things to do and no time to do it. As Tpi says: "This is the BEST time!"
See you all tomorrow! It's almost party time!!!
2009-07-08 12:57
Alastair Reynolds Touches Ground
The cosmic con-vehicle picked up Al from the airport last night and delivered him safe and sound to the con-hotel.
Finland welcomes Mr Reynolds!
2009-07-06 17:23
The Martin Has Landed!
George RR Martin has arrived in Finland, and is right now shedding his jetlag by getting a good sleep. Later on he will emerge, transformed into a stupendous GoH, from the cocoon of his secret resting place.
Welcome to Finland Mr. GRRM!
2009-07-06 23:54
Scifilounge, Alien Info and Alien supplement
It is almost here, the Finncon/Animecon 2009! So it is high time to give you some more information about services for our foreign visitors.
Puristamo will house what we are calling scifilounge, an area with tables, chairs and comfy sofas, in short a place to sit down, relax for a moment and hang with other fen. The lounge will also have a fandom wall, where all you are welcomed to write a note or put up a picture to the delectation of your fellow fen.
In Puristamo you will also find Alien Info. We at Alien Info, give out Helsinki-related material and answer to the best of our abilities to the kinds of questions you can also ask from the main info desk at Merikaapelihalli, but mostly we try to be good hosts and hostesses and introduce foreign guests to Finnish fen and vice versa.
Also, if you think a con isn't a con without a proper nametag/badge, we at Alien Info can make you one for the nominal fee of 1€.
Additional information about the con, Finndom, eating and drinking, shopping and sights you can find in our Alien Supplement, an English supplement to our programme book, courtesy of Tero, Tomi and yours truly which will be available at Alien Info.
And as always, comment or send us an e-mail at 2009@finncon.org if you want more information.
Sari Polvinen
2009-07-02 16:13
Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts on BBC
Two of our honored guests were interviewed on Today show on BBC radio; Al Reynolds and Adam Roberts were talking about space opera. The interview is available on BBC website and you can listen to it here, just scroll down to 0850.
2009-06-29 12:35
Though Finncon will be full of cosplayers, they will not be the only people in costume. Let us present, the traditional Finncon masquerade:
The traditional science-fictional/fantastic FINNCON MASQUERADE will be organized on Saturday starting at 19.00 in Turbiinisali where the contestants will present their costumes to the judges and to the audience. After that the contestants are taken to the Kaapeli party where the winners are rewarded!
The playful competition is open for anyone, regardless of the style or the quality of the costume. Group costumes are welcome, too. Because of the age limit of the party at Kaapeli, the age limit for the masquerade is 18 years.
For those willing to take part, please contact Karo Leikomaa (kleikomaa[at]gmail.com) by July 7th 2009. Please include the following information when singing up: you name, the name of the costume/character and where it is originally from, the phone number you can be reached from (in case we need to contact you) and the names of other people taking part in the costume, if there are any.
The judges of the masquerade are carefully picked and will be announced right before the masquerade begins!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask Karo Leikomaa,